Wednesday, November 30, 2005

An Insult or a Compliment

Annette and I just got an email from someone telling us they'd seen our photo online at an - ehem - unexpected website. I immediately clicked on over to the site to find out how our image was being used to promote Healthy Andropause: The Safe, Effective Alternative to Looking Old, Impotent and Pale (click here to see it - UPDATE: upon my request, they have taken down our image, but just imagine our photo being where that burly man with the moustache now is.)

Annette laughed a lot. But I'm not sure if I should take it as a compliment - "andropausal" men hope to look viral like the guy in the photo with the beautiful girl - or should I be insulted that they used the photo without asking permission and somehow "tanned" my lilly-white skin to make me look less - i dunno - testosterone deficent.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the funny thing is they tanned you AND pinked up your cheeks...and lips too? You've never looked so "tanned and healthy" before in your life -grin-