Friday, March 18, 2005

Travel Tips for the Developing World

Tom Zoellner is writing a book on the diamond trade. This has afforded him the opportunity to travel the developing world, as well as to risk his life. To read his compiled a list of survival tips, click the following link: Really Lonely Planet: 16 Travel Tips for the Developing World. Here's one tip I could have used:
Try to haggle your bribe downward and don't do what I did in Mexico City. Sick of the mordida and on a tight schedule, I simply drove away from my arresting officers, zigzagged down a few side streets and then -- once I was sure I had lost them -- removed my license plate with a screwdriver. Interagency communications are pretty bad in Mexico so I made it back to Texas with no trouble, but in retrospect, this was a pretty stupid thing to do.

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