Thursday, November 05, 2009

Gratitude in Action

"Gratitude put into action can change a life." (
I read that in an advertisement email and thought it was great. Tweak it a bit and it describes what happens really get the good news about what God did for us through Jesus:
Gratitude put into action reflects a changed a life.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Creative Travelling Friends

FEEL IT ALL AROUND from Northern Lights on Vimeo.

This is one of the most AWESOME home-made vacation video I've ever seen. Just beautiful. It was filmed, photographed and edited by Chase Heavener and featured his brother, Chris, his girlfriend, Jovanna, and his friend, Matt. It artfully documents a family 'n friends weekend trip to Nassau, Bahamas.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Old Glory

Old Glory: "Circling the cornucopia of bread and sweets, I caught sight of the famous Independence Dinosaur, made entirely of pineapple. It looked like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, which I figured was either a sly jibe by our Indian co-colonialists against King George III, or a flattering reference to the power of the United States. Or a surplus of pineapples."

This is a brief extract from a very fun article written by a state department friend working in Iraq on the 4th of July. I bet you'll laugh.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Bar and Peace - Proof Blog -

Bar and Peace - Proof Blog -
: "When he was asked about help for those who drink too much, Carl Jung wrote to Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson that he thought men and women could only stop drinking after having a spiritual conversion. The cure for drinking he wrote, was spiritus contra spiritum."