Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Most Popular at LifeHacker

For ideas on how to get the most out of your computer, click on over to Lifehacker.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest

The folks over at sponsored a contest to see who could make the best wedding dress constructed wholly out of toilet paper, tape and/or glue.

Click here to come to grips the extent to which girls will go for an excuse to dress up in any sort of wedding dress.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Parent Hacks: making road trips fun

Banish the dreaded "are we there yet?" with Parent Hacks' smart road trippin' tips. There's all sorts of interesting things you can do to keep the peace in your vehicle, including a basket of rotating toys, breaks every two hours, and an endurance timer - every 30 minutes, everyone gets some sort of treat. Unfortunately, I didn't see duct tape restraints or a bubble dome for the kids, but the list is good anyway :-)

Read the complete article here: parent hacks: On taking a road trip with little ones

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Man Who Saved the World

Until now few people knew about the man who saved the world (literally). But last week retired colonel Stanislav Petrov, the russian who averted nuclear war received the World Citizen Award at the U.N. in N.Y.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Get a Standing Ovation

How to Get a Standing Ovation has some great tips that’ll help you become a terrific public speaker. If you’re speaking in public any time soon - or just want to tame those butterflies - I highly suggest you read this.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Flyer's Manual

Click here to read four insightful articles from Fodor's Travel Wire. They include:
How to Save on Your Next Flight
11 Tips for Smarter Packing
Smoother Sailing through Airport Security
Make Your Flight More Comfortable
We travel a lot and yet I found plenty of tips I wish I'd known about before.